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Curricula TabThe Curricula area contains all curricula established in your LMS. The initial display under this tab is the Manage Curricula Browse View. A curriculum is a collection of courses that represents a training plan for one or more groups. Training assignments are made between one or more Groups and one or more curricula. Users are automatically assigned a curriculum based on their membership in groups. The benefit of assigning training in this way is that most administrative details are handled automatically by the system. When assigning an employee to a group, he/she automatically inherits the assignments for that group. If users change groups, their assignments automatically change. Users who are members of multiple groups will be assigned to all curricula assigned to those groups. Duplicate assignments and conflicting retraining schedules are automatically resolved by the LMS. This approach to training assignments is called "Dynamic Assignments". Dynamic assignments is an immense time saver. Click this link to watch an overview presentation of Dynamic Assignments and review the Assignments help page for more detailed information about Dynamic Assignments. What you can doFrom the Browse View:
From the Tasks Box: Add a New CurriculumAfter clicking the Add a new curriculum link from the “Curriculum Tasks” box, complete the curriculum name and description. Delete selected curriculaFrom the Curricula tab, you can click the task; "Delete selected curriculums" task to remove the curriculum you have checked in the Curricula Browse View listing. When you delete a curriculum, all training assignments for the curriculum are also deleted. This warning message will appear before the actual deletion occurs. |