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OSHA Construction: Hand and Power Tool Safety

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16 to 21 minutes
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Hand and power tools are part of our everyday lives, and we can use them to make many jobs significantly easier. However, even simple tools have the capacity to cause severe harm if used or maintained improperly. Furthermore, workers may be exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, or gases, as well as to things that are abrasive, can fall, and splash. It is therefore important to not only know how to properly use these important pieces of equipment, but also how to guard against potential dangers should they arise. This is what OHSA, through its regulations on the subject, attempts to do. Learn about these regulations, as well as how to keep yourself safe on the job, through the material presented in this course.

Some basic safety rules include always wearing the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), using the right tool for the task at hand and maintaining them correctly. You will learn these keys to safety, about guards and switches, and when not to use your tools, through the information presented here. This training video also gives particular instructions regarding certain types of tools, such as pneumatic tools. Occasionally, you may think a tool to be so basic as to be harmless, or you may have been using a certain type of tool for many years so you think it no longer poses a risk to you. This way of thinking can get you seriously injured. Keeping yourself safe on the job it critical and you will better understand how to do so after watching this presentation.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Construction workers

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Understanding Hand and Power Tools
  • Abrasive Wheels and Tools
  • Guards and Switches
  • Understanding Pneumatic Tools
  • Safety Tips
  • Summary

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